22 May, 2008

Dont justify agile based on productivity

It is often found that, many people adopt agile development process for quicker delivery. But it is thorough bad idea, with out understanding agile goals and true engineering practices. Productivity of an s/w person cant be measured in the form of lines of code, how many function point is delievered etc. Rather it will be more meaningful if it is associated like
Increased customer satisfaction (may conduct ratings)
Increase in the quality of delivery like no architectural issues under design phase, no design mistakes during production run, better quality code in context to better API usages, easier maintenance etc
Increased personal excellance in the form of better problem solving skills; communication with co-team members, external people
Contribution to online community, information sharing with in organization or outside organization
etc..etc..etc...many more

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

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